It has been said that the eyes are the windows to your soul and therefore the care of the eyes are in the hands of the beholder. A thorough eye examination on a yearly basis is very important. This consists of certain standard tests like vision test and refraction, external eye examination, eye pressure test, dilated fundus examination and certain scans such as OCT and visual fields test. These test does not cause pain or discomfort and typically takes about an hour or less.
Regular eye check-ups can help diagnose a variety of eye conditions early and is the best way to healthier good vision. Strabismus (squint), lazy eyes, childhood cataract and diseases of the retina in children are some of the things that ca be picked up early and treated. There are several debilitating eye diseases that can be diagnosed even before symptoms appear and this will help prevent major vision loss. Refractive errors which are usually taken for granted can be effectively corrected.
It is recommended that a person gets his/her eyes checked throughout all phases of one’s life. Children should have their eye s checked before attending school. Adults should have their eyes checked on a yearly basis and if there are other medical illness such as diabetes, hypertension etc then eye examination becomes even more important.