
Visian ICL Lens is a laser eye treatment where an implantable contact is designed for the correction of vision issues especially nearsightedness from moderate to extreme. The Visian ICL is a microscopically thin, soft lens implanted into your eyes for permanent correction of moderate to severe nearsightedness and astigmatism. The Visian Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL ), is a permanent, artificial lens that is implanted in the eye to correct vision – like a contact lens that does not need maintenance. It is able to correct/reduce a range of nearsightedness and astigmatism from moderate to extreme amounts far outside of the therapeutic range for LASIK

Visit us at our center or reach out to us to know more about the treatment for the eyes and the pricing for the available and affordable packages. 

Children are another group which are vulnerable and susceptible to poor vision if not detected early.
As a parent, you may wonder whether your pre-schooler has a vision problem or when you should schedule your child’s first eye exam. Eye exams for children are extremely important.

Early identification and management is mandatory as children are more responsive to treatment when diagnosed early.

Most common problems affecting children are refractive errors either short-sightedness (myopia) or far-sightedness (hyperopia) which is easily corrected with the correct prescription for glasses. The second most common problem is strabismus or squint. Children who are born prematurely also are at risk of reduced vision and require through check up by an ophthalmologist.

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to your soul and therefore the care of the eyes are in the hands of the beholder. A thorough eye examination on a yearly basis is very important. This consists of certain standard tests like vision test and refraction, external eye examination, eye pressure test, dilated fundus examination and certain scans such as OCT and visual fields test. These test does not cause pain or discomfort and typically takes about an hour or less.

Regular eye check-ups can help diagnose a variety of eye conditions early and is the best way to healthier good vision. Strabismus (squint), lazy eyes, childhood cataract and diseases of the retina in children are some of the things that ca be picked up early and treated. There are several debilitating eye diseases that can be diagnosed even before symptoms appear and this will help prevent major vision loss. Refractive errors which are usually taken for granted can be effectively corrected.

It is recommended that a person gets his/her eyes checked throughout all phases of one’s life. Children should have their eye s checked before attending school. Adults should have their eyes checked on a yearly basis and if there are other medical illness such as diabetes, hypertension etc then eye examination becomes even more important.

Floaters and Flashes

Degeneration of the Vitreous humour (fluid between the lens and the retina) leads to posterior vitreous detachment causing  floaters and flashes in eye vision. It may cause retina tear resulting retina detachment and vision loss if untreated. Our centre provides dilated retina check and laser treatment.

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

AMD is a serious condition affecting the central vision in individuals over the age of 60 years. It is chronic and degenerative disease and affects the macula in particular. Hence, central vision, sharpness, contract and colour differentiation is all affected at once. It is gradual and progressive if not detected early and treated. AMD is divided into 2 types – DRY and WET type. Yearly eye check in individuals who above the age of 50 years is crucial. Risk factors involve – Advancing age, family history of AMD, gender (more common in women) and race.

GLAUCOMA is a triad which include increase eye pressure, reduced field of vision and optic nerve damage causing blindness in the end. It is a silent disease without any symptoms and therefore it is also know as, ‘SILENT THIEF OF SIGHT’. If a person does not check the eye regularly this condition is easily missed.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) imposes a serious treat to vision. Individuals with DM should get complete eye examination on a yearly basis. DM affects the entire body especially eyes, it causes retinopathy which includes hemorrhages and nerves swelling. This effects are easily missed if the eye is not examine.

Symptoms include blurred central vision, refractive error in mild cases early cataract and blindness in severe cases.


  • Vision Test
  • Optical Coherent Tomography Scan
  • Intra-ocular Pressure

Management depends on the stage of Diabetic Retinopathy:-

  • Focal/Grid laser
  • Intraocular Anti Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Anti VEGF)
  • Intraocular Steroids
  • Surgery

Cataract surgery involves cataract removal and replacing the cloudy or clouded lenses within the eyes with an artificial lens. During the cataract surgery, the patient’s natural lens is removed, either through an in-place emulsification procedure or a surgical nick through a small opening with local anesthesia. Within the cataract extraction process, the natural (now cataract) lens is removed, and an artificial lens is implanted.

Eye measurements give the information needed to select an appropriate IOL (artificial lens) power and surgical plan for you, specifically. During a consultation, your surgeon will give you the information you need to make your decision and will suggest you the best option of replacement lenses (IOLs) based on your eye health, lifestyle, daily activities, and visual needs.

Visit us at our center in Malaysia or contact us for more information on cataract surgery/treatment and our available packages! 

Issues such as long and short-sightedness, and astigmatism can be solved by wearing glasses and contact lenses yet they are not a permanent solution. LASIK eye surgery is recommended for people with very poor vision as it may help to resolve the refractive errors in the eyes with a long-lasting result. 

LASIK procedure is a type of eye correction surgery that uses lasers to correct vision problems, especially those caused by refractive errors or refractive eyes. The primary purpose of LASIK treatment is to alter the shape of your cornea so it can focus images more accurately on your retina, which allows you to see better. LASIK stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis and is a procedure that permanently changes the shape of the cornea, the clear covering on the front of your eye, using an excimer laser. LASIK, or laser-assisted keratomileusis, often called LASIK surgery or laser vision correction is a type of refractive surgery to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. 

Visit us at our center in Malaysia or contact us for more information on LASIK eye treatment and our available packages! Looking for other options? Take a look at Visian ICL or Cataract Surgery too!